Helping YOU Become a Viral Marketing King (or Queen)!

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In taking some time to reflect and think about what causes me to pull out my credit card and buy a product, I started to really focus on what was the main ingredient to getting your list and subscribers to purchase from you especially in this day where more and more skepticism is taking place online than ever before.

In today’s internet based world, its sometimes easy to forget that we are humans that like the human touch at times. I actually like to feel like I know someone when I purchase from them. Now this isn’t always the case, but for the most part, if I am going to pay big bucks for a product, I want to know who that person is that is selling it and have some type of connection.

I am a lot less hesitant to spend money when I have seen videos of the person, or interacted with them in some way. For me, it makes a difference because I want to know that if there is a problem or some type of support I can get it if I need it.

Lets consider this for a minute. All the top successful internet marketers preach that “The money is in the list” and while I believe that is true, I also believe that is only half the story.

It’s not just having a list that will make you successful. Its the relationship you build with your list that will get you sales. Its your personal touch that will really help you be successful.

With high touch marketing you don’t have to have a big list to convert sales, by constantly providing value and communicating with your list regularly not just with sales pitch emails.

So we are going to compare what high touch marketing is vs. low touch marketing. We will also look at some of the ways that you can implement strategies that will help your list get to know, like, and trust you, so they will be willing to pull out their credit cards and purchase.

First lets look at low touch marketing…

Low touch marketing is also what I consider to be low value marketing.

It is simply where you blast emails off with the hope of a purchase. You don’t really show to much of your human side, and do very little to connect with the recipient of your emails.

Low touch marketing only has one thing in mind and its to get a sale. It is not focused on what the problems are of the person who is reading, but only on the fact that getting a sale will satisfy your craving to make money.

Low touch marketing really is where I believe spam and other forms of unwanted, un-asked for advertisements come from. I personally don’t really get upset anymore when I get spam because I always try to look at it like an opportunity for me to stand out from the crowd. To stand out from the low touch, low value marketing that really plagues our industry.

Low value marketing is when you take the opportunity to send an email to someone that didn’t ask to receive it from you, and have gotten no value from you at all.

Now, let me just say that you can build a list and blast to them this way, but the responsiveness will be low, and that means you will need to grow a much bigger list than those that spend the time to update regularly and connect.

I believe people now days are seeking more high touch when they purchase. Why do I believe this? Because that what I am looking for also?

For instance, even when I am out and about in town, in the stores I am looking for good friendly, and quick service. That doesn’t change for me when I come online, as a matter of fact, I carry that same attitude online.

High touch, great attitude and high value motivational based selling gets me to buy almost every time.

I always look at what motivates me to buy, and then turn right around and implement that into my strategy because if I have thought about, more than likely my subscribers have too.

People have been there done that and pitched over and over again and they want something different.

The good news is, there are several things you can do to connect with your list on a regular basis. There are several ways that they can connect with you.

Now if your don’t have a list, the best place for you to start of course would be listbuilders like ViralURL, ViralinBox, and ViralHosts. From these list builders you can begin to use a shared list and build your personal list.

Some ways to practice high touch marketing…

Send out an email survey to your list and ask them what their biggest struggles are in their business or in whatever niche you are in some questions that pertain to that niche. With the answers they provide you can tailor your message and products to what they need. A good place for surveys is:

In an attempt to connect with your subscribers on a personal level, you can also implement video emails into your marketing. Their are several video email providers nowadays that a simple search on Google will bring up a few for you. If you don’t want to invest in a video email system, a simple YouTube video will work just fine as well.

By making a video and talking directly to your subscribers you can make a big touch impact on the them where they will feel like they actually know you on personal level sometimes. I personally make myself available to my list via Skype, and via Facebook.

I just recently sent out an email blast on ViralURL with my Elite membership and got two people that connected with me on Skype. I can now chat with them, find out what they need, and give them a product or service that meets that need.

That is another great way for you to connect with your list is on Facebook. At the time of this blog post, there is currently over 800 million users on Facebook alone and growing daily. More than likely your subscribers are on Facebook which means you can connect and interact. Send out a blast and tell them to request your friendship as you would love to connect with them.

If you have a Facebook fan page, invite your subscribers over to the page “like” it and ask questions or to interact with you so you can help them.

Facebook also has a video update feature that you can use to post video status updates on your wall. You simply have your webcam connected, turn it on, and start talking. This is a great way to get your face in front of your friends and followers. The human touch goes a long way in marketing.

Through this strategy, you will begin to build value and trust with your prospects so that when you send out those offers via email they will be more apt to purchase from your recommendation.

Remember, connect with your list, and I believe you will be surprised with the results you get. Push yourself to go implement one thing on this and then blast it to your list and see what happens, I think you will surprised.

To your success,

Mark Harbert
viralurl & Viralinbox Team Member

In the past few years that I have been involved with internet marketing, I have come to realize that there really are only a few key skills that contribute to the success of someone when it comes to succeeding in email marketing.

With that being said, I am convinced that the number one skill aside from a few others that is key in email marketing is… COPY WRITING!

What is copy writing? In short, it is salesmanship in written form. When you are driving down the street and you see a billboard that catches your attention and it gets you to look into a certain product or service, that is copy writing that is designed to grab your attention.

Here is an example off the top of my head:

Car need maintenance? At Jiffy Lube, get your $19.95 oil change now. Free 15 point inspection included. All in 30 minutes or less or its FREE. Only through March 31st, Stop in NOW!

This is kind of a silly example, but you get the point. The idea of copy writing is to get the reader to take action on what you are wanting them to do.

In this case what do they want them to do? The answer is simple, get into Jiffy Lube and get there oil changed at a low price so they can then try to up-sell you on more services. Don’t we do that same thing in internet marketing?

Some of your best places to study the art of advertising is just to look around at the advertisement signs on the street. The big corporations that advertise everywhere you go have literally invested millions upon millions of dollars into advertising campaigns and know what works.

Take their best stuff and mesh it with your product of service.

If you have attended some of my webinars lately on copy writing you will see that I refer to the “5 point formula for persuasion”… What is the “5 point formula for persuasion”?

Identify the big problem – This is were you hit hot buttons. This is literally where you hit right at the heart of what the overwhelming statistics show. For instance, if you are in network marketing you would see that the statistics show that a majority of people struggle with lead generation. This is a hot button that will get people to take action on what you are asking them to do as long as you can provide the solution.

Unique benefit or promise – So going inline with identifying the big problem in point one, how is it that your product or service will fix the problem they are facing? For example: “If you lack leads, join our system and learn how to generate 10-20 laser targeted leads everyday for your business”. You see? This shows them what is capable with your system or product. This is where they can picture themselves attaining the results you’re referring too.

Provide factual proof – This is your opportunity to show results from people or yourself where you have gotten results with your product or service. This can be very powerful and very persuasive to the reader. There is one thing that I caution you against though, and that is making up fake testimonials. DON’T DO IT! It’s important to be truthful with your message, and not break the law. But providing proof of results is very, very persuasive and can convert optins and sales.

Risk free offer – This is where you basically take away their apprehension in taking action. For instance, someone might hesitate to take action because the don’t want to be on another email list. This is where you assure them that you will only send them value based information that will help them in their business. It can also include things such as a “30 day money back guarantee” if you’re selling a product or “7 day free trial for $1?” or something of that sort. This is designed to remove the apprehension from the reader, and help them to make a fear free decision to take action.

The take away – Ahh yeah, this is my favorite… lol. The good old move now or forever hold your peace call to action… lol. This works so well because the greatest thing most people fear is not getting a good deal. Or missing out on that awesome training program that will take their business to the next level. You can use language such as “Limited time only” or “Only available to the next 20 buyers”. The key here also, is don’t say it unless you MEAN IT! Don’t make it up. If you are only making it available to 20 people, make it 20 people and be done. Don’t just say that to get people to move. You loose credibility when you do that and you hurt your reputation, so be honest in your take away.

By integrating this into your email marketing, you will get much better results, and it will cause you to have more fun in your business.

I don’t know about you, but I like to have fun and get results with what I do. If I am not getting results, I stop, re-evaluate and then make a change. Good copy writing will get you results all the time.

There are two things I want to recommend to you if you want to improve your copy writing skills.

Copy Writing 101 webinar – I just recently did a webinar training for viralurl solely on this topic alone. It is 78 minutes long and is jammed packed with good information that is really going to help you get results. This webinar is full on content rich value for your business. You can attend this webinar free of charge and take advantage of the training.

Copy writers guild course – This is for those that really want to take their business to a whole new level. This is for the person that is not messing around with their business and really wants to step up their game in not only their email writing skills, but their copy writing skills in general. This course is not free, but in my opinion the best information never is free. If you want to invest in yourself and your business, go pick up this course right now as you will not regret it one bit. Once I went through this course and applied what I learned I saw an immediate response in my marketing, so much so that I would venture to say it was the best money that ever spent. Remember, the best investment you can ever make is in yourself. I recently did a blog post about this, and you can check that out here…

Why Investing In Your Skills Will Make You Money

Focus on your skills, and your copy writing for emails, and you will see results.

To your success,

Mark Harbert
viralurl & Viralinbox Team Member

  • Author - The Viral King Makers |
  • Category - General

Step One: Set up a viralurl account if you have not done so already by CLICKING HERE!

Step Two: Watch the videos below to see how you can take advantage of viralurl’s over 200,000 hits per month…

Text Ads:

Banner Ads:

Step Three: Log into the system and set your text and banner ads now.

  • Author - The Viral King Makers |
  • Category - ViralURL

Step One: Watch this video below by Colin…

Step Two: Sign up for ViralURL, ViralHosts, and ViralinBox if you have not already.

  • Author - The Viral King Makers |
  • Category - ViralURL

Step One: Set Up your viralurl account if you have not already by CLICKING HERE!

Step Two: After logging into the dashboard, go to >LINKS >ADD LINKS

Step Three: Watch this video demonstration and then share your links everywhere.

Step Four: Register for one of our upcoming link cloaking webinar trainings. This training will go more in depth on viralurl’s link cloaking feature, and it will show you how to put your list building on steroids. Don’t wait…

REGISTER HERE => ViralURL Link Cloaking Webinar

Step Five: Review why its important to cloak your links below.

The benefits of link cloaking with ViralURL are immense, here are just a few…

– To prevent commission thieves from stealing YOUR hard earned money and high-jacking your affiliate links
– To kick long and ugly links to the curb – With ViralURL you can make short, pretty links in seconds
– To fully track your links and see how many people clicked on your link, and where they came from and how many times they clicked
– Earn HIGHLY Effective advertising Exposure, simply by making your links look pretty with our shortener and cloaker
– Build your OWN mailing list, on total autopilot from your shortened and cloaked links
– Build your downline automatically and open up a new income stream, simply by leveraging the link cloaking feature
– Track which of your advertising campaigns gets you the MOST Traffic… This means you can focus on the things that work
– Get our FREE FireFox plugin that makes it fast to cloak links on the fly. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS TO THE FIREFOX PLUGIN
– Get access to viralurl’s free wordpress plugin that monetizes keywords on your WordPress blog posts ($97 Value)